Thank you!
Working class candidate, working for you!
Lisa Pool is our clear choice for Oregon House District 24's working families
My values include:
Integrity - this means showing up, doing the work and being accountable. "Leave the campground better than you found it."
Straight-forward - Focused on the solutions, making connections.
Compassion - every day is "bring your humanity to work" day for me.
Justice - We are diverse and complex and creating systems to help us all live together is not easy, but such necessary work!
Inclusion - I believe that diverse voices, regardless of party or background, need to be included to find the best solutions for our communities, district, and state.
Advocacy and problem solving are my passions! I'm here to serve all the members of this district to find solutions that best serve us all. This means that you won't always agree with me on all issues, but you can trust that I will hear your concerns so that the most balanced solutions can prevail.

Picture credit: Emily Matsuda, @ekaymedia
MURAC - McMinnville Urban Renewal
Advisory Committee
City of McMinnville
Board member of MURAC that supports the urban renewal district in McMinnville, OR
Essential Benefits of Oregon Committee
State of Oregon
My proposal to increase access to non-opiate therapies was approved and effective 2022.
M.B.A. - Master of Business Administration
Colorado State University
Ft. Collins, CO
Specializing in Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Small Business Consulting, Finance
Bachelor of Special Studies
Cornell College
Mt. Vernon, IA
Triple major of Sociology, Environmental Issues and Music